Saturday, 15 November 2008

UFOs From Turkey!

Now these are some pretty cool videos. They look real enough and made lots of the News broadcasts for a couple of weeks. Thought you might want to take a look at what all the fuss is about. Real enough? Have the aliens finally decided to show themselves? Have they been watching "X-Factor" and decided that we have reached the peak of our evolution and are worth contacting?

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Men are from Mars, and so are Women apparently!!

So we are all illegal aliens from Mars! Seems we escaped Mars because of guess what? Can anyone say Global Warming! I guess some things never change. Wonder where we are gonna go next? This video explains it all. For fans of heavy metal you might like the soundtrack. If you are not a fan, I would recommend putting your volume down a little before you start. Enjoy.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

How to make your very own black hole

Now, this is a gonna happen way soon. Don't freak but it seems the big brains of the world are gonna make their own little black hole. Don't worry though, they are sure that it won't turn the Earth inside out, well they are pretty sure anyway. Well they figure the odds are that it won't happen. See the deal is they spent 6 Billion dollars on this toy, and come hell or black holes, they are gonna play with it. Hold on to your atoms, cause here we go.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Movie Stars and Aliens! How much better does it get?

Here is a new one on me! Marilyn Monroe a UFOligist? Alien landings in England! Murder and mayhem in the name of keeping the secret a secret? Its a cool video even if I have some pretty serious doubts about the premise. See for yourself and the music is really good too.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

UFO in Infared. Strange flying Donuts?

Now this is a good one, well done vid with some cool footage. Whether or not the flying donuts are actually spaceships or some kind of life form (life, but not as we know it Jim) you can't really tell. Or maybe you can!

Monday, 9 June 2008

Ghostly Granny

A Ghostly Granny? This couldn't be creepier and it is more than a little disturbing. Is it real? I don't pretend to know. All I know is if it was me in that elevator I would be checking for my wallet. Check out the clip and prepare to be creeeped out real or not.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Strange Happenings on the Moon!

What do we REALLY know about what is happening on our moon? Seems there have been reports of strange lights and odd atmospheric occurrences (even though there is, supposedly, no atmoshere) for centuries. This covers quite alot of info, so sit back and relax for a few minutes and let me fly you to the moon (like ol' Blues eyes likes to sing.)

Wednesday, 14 May 2008


Whoo hoo...another ghost caught on CCTV! A mysterious blue ghost caught hanging around a gas station. You would think a ghost would find a better place to hang out. I guess it beats hanging around a cemetery anyway! Check out the video.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

ALIENS? UFOs? NWO? DEMONS? Got them all here!

I really like it when we can mix up Aliens and the New World Order. Somehow it just seem so right to me. I wonder what the Military is gonna do with all those underground bases anyway. Wouldnt mind one of those myself. Great graphics on this vid. Check it out.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Deadly Vapors

Now this video seems to tie a whole bunch of stuff together. Everything from the NWO to the Illuminati to Deadly Vapors covering the Earth to facilitate the mass reduction of the human population. Hold your breath!!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Presidential Mystery!

In celebration of all the presidential race stuff going on I thought I would share this old nugget with you on the strange case of the Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences. And there is a great Johnny Cash song to boot! This may be new to some of you. Check out the video and prepare to be amazed!

Thursday, 21 February 2008


This video has a really happy song for such a dark subject. All about the European Union and how it is busy fulfilling the End Time Prophecies. You can tap your toes to the end of existance!

Thursday, 7 February 2008


Doomsday in our life time? This is some scarey stuff. Never mind aliens, the real scarey stuff in space is great big rocks! Check out the Video.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Photo of a figure on Mars?!

Life On MARS? This article from the BBC doesn't really say yes or no. Check out the picture and see for yourself!

Mystery image of 'life on Mars'

Is there life on Mars?
An image of a mysterious shape on the surface of Mars, taken by Nasa spacecraft Spirit, has reignited the debate about life on the Red Planet.
A magnified version of the picture, posted on the internet, appears to some to show what resembles a human form among a crop of rocks.
While some bloggers have dismissed the image as a trick of light, others say it is evidence of an alien presence.
The image is a recent Nasa posting of the Spirit's landing in 2004.
When the robotic rover set down on 24 January 2004, its images disappointed space-watchers hoping for signs of extraterrestrial life.
Now they appear convinced that this image provides the evidence they have been trawling Nasa's photo files for.
The blown-up image seems to resemble a figure striding among the Martian rocks.
The internet has been abuzz with postings offering theories.

Copenhagen's mermaid: Evidence of Martian settlers?
One said it was a garden gnome, another that it was the Virgin Mary.
A third suggested Bigfoot, the hairy bipedal mountain beast that appears in various guises in a number of legends around the world.
But the consensus seemed to be that it bore a striking resemblance to the Little Mermaid statue in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
Poster "Madurobob" said it was a statue "obviously built by an ancient civilisation that later departed Mars and settled Denmark". tried to apply some perspective: "A man? It's a tiny rock only a few inches high. It's only a few feet from the rover!"

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

A Very Different UFO Vid!

Unlike most UFO vids, this is not a vague object floating around the sky but a bunch of guys in Siberia who arrive via helicopter to check out what seems to be some kind of alien craft and even some type of humanoid creature! I actually find this one fairly disturbing. What do you think?

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Dude, Where's My Car

This is a newscast from videogoogle. It is about a ghost(?) caught on a security camera wandering through a car impound. I hope he found what he was looking for! Creepy...and is it me or does the film say Lot 3, but something there makes it look like Lot 13??

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

New World Order

I hope everyone had a great holiday! Meanwhile Back to business. This one is on the NWO (New World Order) and their not so secret agenda. This is interesting!